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The Tale of Busy Baker Rabbit

Follow the adventures of the Busy Baker rabbit as he finds his true passion .

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Busy Busy rabbit is on his way to a work meeting, he's busy as always, with only one thing, the same thing on his mind: work.

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On his way, he walks past a so called cake shop. What's that? He only knows carrots, so he is tempted. What can be more nutrious than carrots. Apparently it's 'sweet and tasty', but food shouldn't be fun. Food should be necessary but not fun.

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But Busy was tempted by the thought: can food be fun? And with that thought he sat down at the shop and ordered something sweet.

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It was sweet indeed. Too sweet.

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He left the shop immediately and sat down in a park. Busy had to think and process, as always. This is not meant to be, I should be on my way to work; not fooling around wasting time with sweet distractions, he thought.

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Back at work he felt at home again, the peace, the numbers, the peaceful pressure that a job brings.

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After work, as always; Busy sat down in front of the TV. and watched the same show as always. He knew the program, but that's how it goes. Consistency is key, the new is dangerous and strange. Everyday must be the same.

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At 10pm sharp, as always, he lies ready to sleep. But there is one thing on his mind and it isn't work. The sweet distraction from before.

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For the first time in years, Busy woke up tired. He had be so distracted and busy trying to fend off those sweet sweet thoughts, keeping him from covering his full 8 hours of sleep.

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Once again he sat at work, but tired. So tired. And so distracted.

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Maybe I need some more books, he thought. Books on numbers, on consistency, on order. And then, maybe through fate; he walked passed a baking book, which he automatically took, without thinking.

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He opened the book and ended up on a strange looking page: Recipe for Cupcakes, he read. What a strange looking sweet. So strange, but so tempting.

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And as if struck by lightning, he headed home immediately and started following instructions, he loves instructions. This was fun and exciting. Maybe the new is not so bad afterall?

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And then: the taste test. And it was tasty, but not tasty enough. Time for adjustments.

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He lined up the cupcakes and adjusted specific factors.

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And holy Carrot, have mercy! These new options were tasty indeed!

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Back at work, Busy didn't feel the same. In fact Busy felt bad. Very bad. He was sick of these numbers and patterns and rules. He wanted something else. Something fun,like yesterday.

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That's where Busy exploded. No more Numbers! No more boring boring work! More sweet suprises, more fun! He tore his documents and stuffed them in the bin. He had enough!

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Busy left early, which he had never done before. And decided to leave his work behind him.

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He walked home, feeling more free than before.

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At home, he immediately turned on a TV. and tried out a channel he had never tried before: the baking channel. He watched and watched and absorbed information like a sponge. He was serious about this, he was passionate, he was excited.

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He was ready.

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The next day after practicing and practicing, he called his beloved brothers and invited them for a taste test. The two were seriously impressed. And ready to invest.

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And after a few weeks of looking,there he had it; his very own shop. His new home.

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But his home wasn't perfect yet. So he painted and painted and changed a few things.

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After weeks of testing and tasting, he developed new recipes and perfected the old.

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He broadened his horizon and baked big cakes. The more sweet suprises the merrier!

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And before he knew it, he had become and expert, a connoisseur, ready to share his inventions with the world.

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Customers came by, and sometimes never left. Busy shared his recipes and baked more and more.

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And for the first time, Busy knew who he was: Busy Baker Rabbit.